13 web development and design blogs to follow in 2017

The internet changes faster than fashion. What was rising now is falling and what was hot is now a place where only crickets gather. For that reason, as the New Year is upon us, we want to know where we can go to get the highest web development and design blows. Otherwise, chances are that at best you’re running behind and at worst you’re getting the wrong information.

And if your job depends on you being hip and connected, that can be career suicide.

So here are some of the most happening places that you should check out with the New Year upon us. Know anything more? Make sure to add it in the comments!

1. Designmodo

Designmodo not only has some great web design articles and tutorials, but they’ve got a fantastic shop as well, where you can buy some of the nicest Bootstrap and WordPress themes, as well as plugins and more.

Most definitely worth checking out.

2. NuSchool

NuSchool is all about teaching freelance designers so that they know what’s hot and what most certainly is not. The goal is to create more entrepreneurially minded individuals who know what it takes to boost sales and run a high-quality business.

3. Hacking UI

As the name suggests, Hacking UI is about creating great user interfaces. And that’s something that a lot of us can learn to do better, don’t you think? Not sure if it’s for you? Let me just say two names in that case: David Tintner and Sagi Shrieber.

4. Backlinko

Backlinks are still the currency of good SEO. If that’s where you’re struggling, than check out Backlinko. They specialize in making your website really rock, by giving you the strategies and the ideas you need to really bring in the backlink money.

5. Design for Founders

Entrepreneurs might be good at a lot of things, but that does not necessarily make them great at design.  For those that don’t want to outsource their design, there’s design for Founders. This great website will teach you all you need to know in order to become an entrepreneurial designer. That includes tutorials, guides and more.

6. LemonStand Blog

LemonStand is all about giving you the tools you need to run a successful online ecommerce website. That includes tips on growth, design as well as up-to-date news about what’s going on in the ecommerce world.

7. Abduzeedo

Abduzeedo is all about design, photography, architecture and – of course – UX. That makes it a very useful website indeed if you’re looking for a daily dose of insights and inspiration to help you stay at the bleeding edge of the industry. Definitely worth checking out.

8. Typewolf

You might ask, ‘is there a website just dedicated to typography?’ And of course the answer would be yes, there are dozens, possibly hundreds. The one that stands head-and-shoulders above the competition, however, is Typewolf. In that way, you can make sure that you’ve got exactly the right font for your design. Now you know where to get your digital help.

9. Ustwo Blog

The award-winning blog of ustwo is filled right up to the brim with fantastic insights into such things as design thinking, case studies and the processes and techniques that will make your digital product an absolute success. Heartily advise this one. Go see and enjoy.

10. CSS-tricks

The website of CSS-tricks is – and this might surprise you – all about CSS. The thing is, many people do not use this resource enough. In this way you can move beyond updating your social media profiles and instead focus creating a real following and really getting your content out there.

11. Creative Boom

The online magazine of Creative Boom is there to help the creative community find the inspiration it needs, so that we can continue to create high-quality content that is interesting, unique and inspiring. That’s a tall order, to be sure, but if you just go check them out I think you’ll find that they deliver.

12. Designer Daily

Another great one to look at is Designer Daily. This one’s for designers and web developers and will give you insights into such fields as interior design, illustration, art, photography, typography, advertising, web design and graphic design. That’s a shopping list of options. Don’t worry, though. The wide range of topics does not impact their quality negatively. They’re generally on the ball and going strong. Definitely worth checking out.

13. Oberlo Blog

A freelancer looking for tips on how to run an eCommerce business? Then look no further than the Oberlo blog. They’ve got everything that you might need and then some, so that you go into battle well-armed and well-prepared. Now, who could ever argue against that, aye?

Last words

So is this list exhaustive? Absolutely not. In fact, in the time it took me to research this list three more websites probably sprung up that deserve to be on here. That’s both the curse and the adventure that is the internet. You’re always going to be able to find something new that’s exciting and interesting, but man does that make it hard to work sometimes!

Not feeling like going out of your way to look for more mastergrades blogs? Well, then stick with this list. It might not be exhaustive, but it’s certain to get your interest and keep you going for this year at least. Then, next year, who knows what’s out there? As always, if you have a site that you think deserves a mention in this list feel free to leave a comment!