Apple Developer Center Back Online, Developers Awarded One Free Month

The Apple Developer Center is back online as of early this morning.  We received an email at 3:04AM EST informing us that all of the services in the developer center have been restored and are fully functional.  This of course comes approximately three weeks after the developer center was compromised.

We are pleased to let you know that all our developer program services are now online. Your patience during this time was sincerely appreciated.

The Member Center for program subscriptions & renewals was last service restored by Apple.  In an effort to smooth things over with developers Apple has given every account an additional one month for free.  But is that enough?  Some app development was pushed back weeks by the downtime, at the very least Apple should have given three free months which would equate to an extra month for each week the developer center was down.

I’m curious to see how developers feel about the free extra month — Is Apple being generous or not?  I mean, I guess they didn’t have to give away anything.