4 easy ways to find and save new podcasts

Podcasts help many people get overviews of the day’s headlines, learn foreign languages and chuckle during their commutes while listening to sharp-witted comedians. There’s literally something for everyone with today’s podcasts: you can find podcasts on the latest healthcare news or episodic tales of fiction and true crime.

Maybe you’re already a loyal podcast subscriber, or perhaps you’re ready to explore the trend.

Whatever the case, there are several ways you can discover podcasts that suit your tastes, keep all your feeds up to date and save episodes to your trusty devices.

  1. Use Breaker to Locate Lovable Broadcasts

One of the hardest things about picking out podcasts is choosing the top-quality or best-reviewed possibilities. Until recently, this has been largely a process based on trial and error or word-of-mouth.

However, what can you do in the absence of tuned-in and well-intentioned pals? The Breaker app is a feature-packed solution. Not only does it have a built-in podcast player, but it also includes several discovery tools powered by people in your social networks and fellow podcast listeners that are also using Breaker.

Quickly find the highest-rated options and give them high ratings of your own if you agree with the masses.

  1. Rely on an App With a Synchronization Feature

Many of today’s top podcast tool developers realize that people listen to podcasts in many different environments. Whereas one person might love to listen to streams on her laptop while she cooks dinner every night, another individual might prefer to get podcasts via a smartphone and hear them during gym workouts.

This high degree of variation has meant that many top podcast apps, including Pocket Casts, sync podcasts across multiple devices. If you download an episode from a title offered by NPR on the bus while riding home from college, it will also go to other internet-enabled gadgets as soon as you connect them to Wi-Fi.

Using an app that saves your episodes in the cloud means you don’t have to manually put them on certain devices. They just appear there automatically after completed transfers.

  1. Set Episode Storage Limits

As you excitedly find podcasts that become new favorites, you might notice the free space on your device rapidly decreasing. One way to cope with that common scenario is to tweak the default storage limits within Apple’s Podcasts app.

Doing that involves going into the Settings icon on your iOS device and finding the section for podcasts. You’ll notice sections related to limiting episodes and deleting episodes you have already heard.

The first option is good to play around with if you like a certain podcast with daily episodes that quickly eat up space on your Apple product. On the other hand, maybe you don’t want to manually delete episodes after listening and prefer if the app takes care of it.

It’s a good idea to get those settings just the way you want them before saving podcasts regularly. Otherwise, you might find your device devotes too much space to them.

  1. Check out Spotify’s Newly Added Podcasts

If you are a Spotify user and don’t want to spend a lot of time searching for podcasts on your own, the section of the streaming service for podcasts is a good place to start. Listen to titles representing multiple genres directly in the Spotify app.

After finding one of interest, tap the icon with the three dots directly to the right of the podcast’s title and select “Download” to enable offline listening after the episode moves over to your device.

No matter how acquainted you are with podcasts, these powerful tips will help you make the most of every episode. They might even help you find streaming content that gives new perspectives on familiar topics.