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About a year and half ago Google announced that it would be shutting down iGoogle as part of its spring cleaning program.  Well that day is here.  As of today, iGoogle has been officially shutdown and now redirects to the regular old Google home page.  If you weren’t familiar with iGoogle it was a customizable homepage that you could add different widgets to such as news feeds, your email, the weather, etc.

Now that you’re in the market for an iGoogle alternative, we have compiled a list of three great alternatives to iGoogle.

1. My Yahoo

Yep, Yahoo is now offering its own version of iGoogle called My Yahoo.  It looks remarkably similar to iGoogle, just with Yahoo branding.  It also a number of the same features such as the ability to add news feeds, the weather, sports scores, email, etc.


2. Netvibes

Netvibes has been around for a while, it’s a super robust customizable home page with the ability to create multiple dashboards and more.  Of course, you can add your traditional stuff like news feeds, email, and weather, but you can also add widgets for sites like reddit, Facebook, and Twitter.  And it doesn’t stop there, Netvibes offers a bunch of different widgets including specialized ones like Google+ or Twitter search, and even a way to keep track of your website analytics (if you have one) via Google Analytics.


3. igHome

Like the others we’ve mentioned, igHome offers a way for you to create a customizable home page.  The service has a minimal look and makes an effort to offer a way to get the iGoogle experience that you’re used to with news, weather, movies, and more right on your home page.  igHome also has a tab bar at the top that links to all your favorite Google services such as Gmail, Calendar, Drive, etc and a search bar that utilizes Google’s custom search engine technology — it’s like iGoogle just not by Google.


Try them all out and let us know which you like best in a comment below!

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